Specialties: Small group, community rated plans, ancillary lines, payroll, individual & SHOP exchange plans, IT support.
Bio: Carmen joined IBS in 2013 primarily in an Information Technology role, upgrading computer systems, developing database applications, and streamlining office technology processes. He holds an undergraduate engineering degree from DeVry as well as a NYS broker’s license. Since joining, his role has changed to include managing all company marketing materials, group regulatory compliance, and individual marketplace navigation. In 2015 Carmen acquired his payroll certification from the American Payroll Association.
Quote: “I’ve watched the brokers of this agency over the time that I’ve been here, trying to learn more about what businesses really need at their core. What I’ve learned is that most businesses need help in the areas of benefits planning and compliance, both with cost and with the time it takes to stay on top of new laws and regulations. I’m always impressed by the brokers of our agency, as they really do a great job of helping employers and employees not only save money, but also helping everyone involved understand how to navigate this complex industry…and I am here to support our brokers and help their employer groups do just that.”
Carmen resides in Stockton, NY with his son Elijah and his daughter Sophia.