Not all benefit packages are created equal
Please take a moment and ask yourself the following questions:
- Is my business getting the most out of your benefits package?
- Is my broker finding you the best combination of plans, deductibles, copays, and premium amounts that are right for my business and my employees?
- Am I paying too much for access to a health network that another carrier may already cover under a lower cost plan?
- Do my employees have access to low cost voluntary ancillary products that would help fill in the gaps in their insurance coverage?
- Am I compliant with DOL, IRS, and State Law concerning my health plan?
- Do I have a Section 125 plan document in order to allow employees to take pre-tax deductions for their health benefits?
- Do I have access to an online Human Resources library that is constantly updated to provide the latest info on the changing business landscape?
If the answers to these questions are disconcerting to you, then it may be time to revisit your current benefits arrangement.
We are here to help
If you would like us to, we can sit down with your employer group and review everything from your current benefit plan(s), renew dates, tax arrangements, HRA/FSA accounts, ancillary and voluntary plans, DBL, short and long term disability plans, compliance, plan documents, and much more at no cost to you.
Whether you are a small mom & pop shop, to an under 50 life group, to over 100, we can work with you, the employees, and the different carriers to provide optimal benefits for your group at the best cost. For example, it may be moving your renewal date forward in order to gain access to better products, or moving your renewal date back in order to secure a lower rating increase. It may be employing the use of an HRA combined with a high deductible plan in order to mitigate premium increases but still help the employees cover the cost of their deductible if needed.
Many times these cost savings allow the employer to spend money in other areas, which is vital to keeping your business alive. At no time are you under any obligation to us; we simply want to help you and your employees save money while giving everyone the benefits package they deserve.
Don’t wait, contact us today
Every year, plans and rates are adjusted by the State Insurance division and the Insurance carriers. If you have a Q4 or Q1 renewal, time is of the essence in determining if your benefits package is in need of an overhaul. Please don’t wait until it’s too late; a missed opportunity here means another entire year of paying to much and not getting enough. Do your business a favor and contact us today; You can use the button below or call our office directly. Thank you.